Almost there

If you are reading this in your e-mail you can switch out the subject line to: "The latest post from FIMBY (almost) on the Appalachian Trail"

It's here. The middle of March.

Everyone says this, but it's true, I can't believe how fast this time has flown.

Winter has been long, snowy and cold, but honestly for the past few weeks, I haven't even noticed. We are seriously working all the time, when we're not cooking, eating, sleeping or sometimes (though not often) just chillin'.

We are days away from leaving for the trail and the blog is about to go quiet for a couple weeks.

I thought it would quiet for a long while but my tech-savvy husband has brought me up to speed on using apps for photo editing and writing.

What this means is that I'll be able to post from the trail. Unreal. (In town stops of course. I'm not accessing internet while hiking. I am so ready to be done with computers for a while.)

I am preparing the blog for this new writing and publishing rhythm.

One of the things I've restructured is my newsletter. (Those of you reading this in e-mail format, used to my old Saturday morning newsletter format, will be nodding your heads).

The newsletter is switching to a "classic" e-mail feed of the blog.

What this means is that every time a post is published newsletter/e-mail subscribers will get that post in their inbox.

It's simple. It's clean. I hope you like it.

I've had a lot of people want to get individual FIMBY posts in their e-mail. Well, now you can! As for the weekend edition, it is coming to an end. It may return when we get off the trail, or it may not. Which can pretty much be said for every other aspect of my life also. Who knows what changes the trail will wrought?

If you would like to receive my "from the trail" posts in your inbox see the sidebar and fill in your name and e-mail.

I hope to publish once a week on the trail.

I can do the writing itself in camp. I'm amazed I can actually do this, theoretically, while hiking. We'll see how it all plays out.

I'll be doing everything from my iPad mini. I've been practicing my work flow for the past couple weeks to work out all the kinks. The posts will be short and will simply give you a taste of life on the trail.

To get the full picture of life on the trail, and our months of preparation for life on the trail, you'll want to subscribe to our video series. Right now videos are only available as individual purchases but by within days the subscription option will be ready. Subscription is the best deal.

People who purchase the video series will be able to comment on videos, interact with us while we're on the trail and even influence some of the episodes (we'll be answering subscriber questions etc.)

I won't be as active on FIMBY as I just won't have the time in town stops to respond to blog comments etc.

My life is shifting and the story of our family will be about life on the trial, written on the trail. I am so excited. I just want to be there. Now.

Want to advertise here?

It's funny. I have not been actively seeking advertisers at FIMBY for over one year. I've shifted my blog income-earning strategies elsewhere.

But in the last few weeks more people have approached me about advertising at FIMBY and I love the work the work they are doing, and am happy to share it here, so I'm not going to say no!

I thought I'd mention it here. I have a couple spaces still available. But here's the deal: I'm asking for a 6 month commitment. You'll pay a flat fee every month and that will be auto deducted from PayPal. I can't be messing around with that stuff while we're hiking.

If you're interested contact me for rates and info.

(And yes, there is still this much snow in our woods! Our friend in Georgia tells us the daffodils are blooming. Springtime hiking here we come!)

« What won't publish
Our subscription series is live »
  • Christi {Jealous Hands}

    Christi {Jealous Hands} on March 15, 2014, 1:20 p.m.

    The daffodils are INDEED blooming in Georgia, & they are lovely!  I wish you the best on the beginning of your journey!  What an exciting time in life for your family!  xo


  • Jess

    Jess on March 15, 2014, 1:49 p.m.

    Oh! I'm so excited for your family and this new adventure! Looking forward to the glimpses we get when you're on the trail. 


  • Alaina

    Alaina on March 15, 2014, 2:10 p.m.

    Wow, very exciting for you!  I look forward to watching the video series, we already watched the first one.  


  • Sharon

    Sharon on March 15, 2014, 8:31 p.m.

    What a fantastic opportunity for you all. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Me and the children are much looking forward to your video series. Wishing you all good luck, good health and good times. 


  • Rana

    Rana on March 17, 2014, 8:25 p.m.

    I'm going to miss you here at FIMBY, but I'm even more excited to see you and your family on the trail. Our family will be watching.  Be safe and enjoy every minute of your adventure!!


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