FIMBY Takes A Break

After over 24 hours of travel - 3 overnight flights across country and a full day of driving back up to Nova Scotia - we are reunited again with our children.

Paper flowers handcrafted by Amy.
Jeremy and Amy were our gracious hosts for the last days of our trip.

It was nice to spend that time away but being "home" again (at my parents) feels wonderful. Man, I love these kids!

For the next week or so I'm going to be taking a little break here at FIMBY while I attend to some other responsibilities. 

I have a big (paid!) writing deadline looming next Monday (hours of writing, editing and video work to do) and children to feed, connect with and love. And of course a market/library trip, laundry and other homemaking stuff. 

I have some cool things to share when I come back - reviews, giveaways and hopefully my follow up to this

I wanted to share this video with you that Damien discovered. If you follow the minimalist "movement" at all, either as a devotee or skeptic, I think you'll find this video hilarious. At least I did.

On that note, I'm minimalizing my schedule a bit by taking a break here at FIMBY (and no, I don't own 100 things, I don't even want to count).

« Big Sky ~ Big Dreams (I love Montana!)
And You Thought I Always Liked to Hike »
  • Bridget Stevens

    Bridget Stevens on Aug. 10, 2011, 3:46 p.m.

    that video cracked me up! we talk about minimalism with our friends a bit, but we're all techies w/ at least 3 apple store things a piece...not counting their accessories ;)

    enjoy your kids and your break!


  • Liane

    Liane on Aug. 10, 2011, 4:32 p.m.

    That had me in stiches....tears are rolling down my face! And after unacking the trailer from Mexico (with all this fabulous pottery!)we're definately not minimalists!

    I was laughing as I read your blog about getting your tailer and car registered in Canada- as I was waiting in the Candian Tire parking lot for our trailer to be inspected! I've really enjoyed reading about your journey back into Canada- mine is similar in many ways.

    Enjoy your break- My husband and I are off next week as well to a conference for me (I'm a naturopathic doctor- Arizona in August, ugg) then to hike the West Coast Trail. All the best, Liane


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