Happy Anniversary to my parents

Today is the 36th anniversary of my parent's marriage. It's late when I write this and will be tomorrow by the time my parents are actually able to read this post but these words are better said a little late than never.

most recent picture of my parents with the kids after common ground fair weekend
most recent picture of my parents with the kids after common ground fair weekend

My parents gave me many things growing up; shelter, food and love. The stuff you need to grow and live. But one of the best gifts they gave me was their love for each other. Their relationship is and has been a wonderful example of steadfastness, romance, sacrifice, compromise, devotion, respect, submission, commitment and friendship.

Growing up I learned many truths from my parents including these three; my dad would provide for his family, my mom would cook and take care of the details and they would always love each other. The security that came in knowing that was an undeserved blessing in my life, for which I have mostly God to thank. But thank you also to you, Mom & Dad, for choosing to honor your vows through all these years. I love you both so dearly and treasure the gift of your marriage.

Happy Anniversary!

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  • Kika

    Kika on Oct. 20, 2009, 2:32 p.m.

    Yes, that model of what marriage can look like is such a gift and one that many individuals have never had in their lives. My parents too provided a wonderful example that tides me through in rough seasons or patches and makes me eternally grateful. They were best friends and a real team and raised a family of 12 kids who all knew we were loved. I loved watching them snuggle on the couch or go for walks holding hands and I knew I wanted that when I grew up :)


  • kate

    kate on Oct. 20, 2009, 5:11 p.m.

    Happy anniversary to your parents:) Mine celebrated their 35th a few years ago, and I remember looking at them and thinking about how much life that is-- and how much work it takes, in the midst of raising a family-- to get there. Kudos to them for making the journey together...it is wonderful inspiration:)


  • Hillary

    Hillary on Oct. 21, 2009, 1:56 a.m.

    Happy Anniversary!

    I couldn't agree more. One of the best lessons my parents have taught me is that you actually have to try to keep your marriage full of sparks. They've done it and you can tell and now I've got realistic tools of how to keep things strong and loving.

    Hillary's last blog post... The Modern Father


  • Naomi

    Naomi on Oct. 21, 2009, 3:40 a.m.

    This principle, of the love parents share for each other being the foundation of a loving home, is one that strikes to my heart. My parents were divorced when I was in my preteens, and I know it changed my life forever. Although each of my parents are remarried, I will never be able to look at them the same again. Not in an angry or hurt way (both feelings I had to work through in grief), and I still greatly respect and love each of my parents, but it is just not the same anymore. When I married Glen I knew I had a chance to back out before the wedding and that as much as that would hurt it would be far better than changing my mind years later, and I wish more couples would do that before their wedding. Now, as our fifth anniversary is coming 'round the corner in just a couple of weeks, I am so proud to be starting a fresh example for our children - that we can show them how wonderful marriage can be, a gift, not only to each other, but to our children for the rest of their lives. It is sad that only in today's world when marriage is not valued like it once was that we realize the blessing we have when we find a husband and wife who enjoy each other, even after many years of marriage. It is a precious gift that should be held close to our hearts, and perhaps that is the greatest thing I have learned from my parents divorce, a hard lesson learned, but one I will forever remember!


  • Karen

    Karen on Oct. 21, 2009, 10:42 p.m.

    Thank you for your tribute, Renee, and for the kind comments of your readers. Thirty-six years of marriage sounds like a long time; something that applies to old people! I'm so grateful for your Dad's love, your grandparents' example, and the grace and goodness of God.


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