Our Homeschool Day in The Life

If you've been following along at Simple Homeschool you know that during this month the various contributors have been sharing what their homeschool days look like.

Today is my turn. You can read all about my homeschool day in the life with a 8, 9 & 11 year old

I've done a post like this also at FIMBY where I chronicled a Wednesday last September. I love reading about other people's homeschool days. Maybe you do too.

Our home and learning life definitely has a routine, rhythm, schedule, call it what you will.

I have a schedule on paper for each week and every morning (or the evening before) I sketch out my daily priorities and plans for that given day. Plans that make time for healthy eating, learning together, taking care of our home, and my creative and professional growth. Some days go mostly according to plan, others don't. 

I have a post coming soon about how getting ready to move has changed our daily schedule a bit but for now if you're interested in how I organize our days you can check out these posts:

P.S. The photo in this post was taken at the home of a dear friend (just yesterday in fact - my camera is back!), whose friendship is as warm and inviting as her sunlit living room. 

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  • heather

    heather on Jan. 31, 2011, 2:17 a.m.

    i loved you day in the life over at simple homeschool renee, i'm always inspired by you!

    and this... "make time for healthy eating, learning together, taking care of our home, and my creative and professional growth" YES!! thank you for that sentence! :)


    • renee

      renee on Jan. 31, 2011, 2:04 p.m.

      Heather, I must say I am blushing with pleasure that you find my words inspiring (as a devoted reader of your lovely blog). If I sound like an adoring fan it is because I am. 


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