Introducing Unplugged Sunday

Happy Summer Everyone!

Many of you who read my blog probably also read Heather Bruggeman's blog Beauty That Moves. I link there often, it would be surprising to me if you hadn't visited her lovely online space yet.

Those of you who read her blog have no doubt already heard the "big news" that I alluded to in my post last week. Yes, it's been a whole week since I posted last and don't even ask me how that feels because I am pretty bummed about that fact.

I have a good excuse though, I just returned from the woods where I was backpacking with my family, unplugged and out of touch with civilization for four days.

And speaking of unplugged... that's the big news. Unplugged Sunday - the brainchild of Heather and Adam Bruggeman - is now live, as of yesterday actually.

What's so big about this news?

Well, for one thing both Damien and I have signed on to be regular contributors to Unplugged Sunday. If I haven't mentioned before (though I think I have) I love that both Damien and I are bloggers and are building an online identity together.

It's really important to us to be partners in our whole lives, not just in making and raising babies, so participating in this writing project as a married couple is just cool I think.

aren't we so cute?

Another thing that's cool is that our own family's commitment to one day a week outdoors played a part in inspiring Heather and Adam to embrace a similar practice in their own family life. Affecting change by living our values and writing about it is one of our goals.

To be a part of something that we helped inspire is just so gratifying and also keeps us on our toes to actually live the life we write about living.

My post today is the first contributors post and I mean this when I say:

We’d like to help. In the coming months my husband Damien and I will be sharing here about how and why we do this (one day a week outdoors) with our three school aged children. We look forward to encouraging your family to get outdoors together.

Encouraging your family is part of our mission.

I'm excited about being part of this movement to get families unplugged for a day. Please do join us at Unplugged Sunday to participate in this great community of people wanting the same.

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Raw & Healthy (Tasty Too!) Peanut Butter Cookies »
  • Shawn

    Shawn on June 22, 2011, 1:32 p.m.

    It IS so cool, and you are so cute! Can't wait to follow this next journey of yours! You guys are truly amazing! You are going to do more than sustain your family by blogging, your going to start a revolution! :)


  • Naomi

    Naomi on June 23, 2011, 1:01 a.m.

    I'be been checking in almost every day to see what's new! So glad you're enjoying your new home, and will he checking out the new blog. How exciting!


  • Francesca

    Francesca on June 23, 2011, 2:01 p.m.

    It's a really wonderful and inspirational post, Renee, congratulations on this new adventure! I love the photo of you and Damien - you make a great couple, online and "unplugged" :)


  • Cath

    Cath on June 23, 2011, 3:17 p.m.

    I'm so excited and inspired, both by finding your blog and the one for Unplugged Sundays. This speaks to me on so many levels - physical, emotional, spiritual, and maternal. Since we're off to PEI (where I grew up) for much of the summer, it will be a perfect testing ground for this concept! Thank you!


    • renee

      renee on June 24, 2011, 6:06 p.m.

      PEI is on my bucket list of places to visit. Should be doable now that we live in Eastern Canada. Have a great trip!


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