The Life We're Trying to Live

I saw this video yesterday on a friend's facebook feed, and I just had to share it.

(If you like this trailer help kickstart this movie, they need funds to see this project through to completion.)

Seems like we're part of a movement. You see, there's a whole bunch of us who don't like the script we've been given for family life. Or the script for life in this society in general. Where we're supposed to live, how we're supposed to earn money or raise our kids.

We want to live a different story. And we're doing it. And we're not alone (though some days it feels like it).

From the video,

"I don't know what's around the corner for me. But I've never been so fulfilled not knowing."

I'll be sharing something on Monday (written in advance of watching this video) that totally echoes that thought. What life looks like for me right now, in terms of homemaking and homeschooling. It's funny how this video works as a good lead into that post.

And then in one month Damien and I will be unveiling and launching "the" big project we've been working on. A script we're re-writing. And this time, we actually going to do it.

But today I'm going to live in this moment. Enjoy the life we're living.

wildflower bouquet

While I'm sharing inspiration, here's a few more favorites from recent weeks:

  • Breaking Through My Travel (& My Possibility) "Ceiling" Tara has me asking myself "What are my ceilings? How much happiness or money or fun is too much? What feels impossible to do in my life? Why? How would it feel if I did it?"
  • How To Live Your Life Purpose Even When it Seems Crazy - a long video but totally worth watching
  • Peace In the Family - Painting - With no peace and love in the family there is no joy in living the life you dream. Family relationships come first.
  • Hello Catbus - One family realizing their Westfalia traveling plans. 
  • Homemaking Lost and Found Kyce says, "While expecting that I should be doing something Worthwhile, I forgot how worthwhile the work I do every day is. And not just worthwhile in the cosmic sense of childrearing as an act of grace, though it is all too easy to forget to put our faith in that simple truth, but worthwhile in the sense of it gives me meaning."

cart of sunflowers

Are you living the life you want to live?
« An Urban Adventure (& Bra Shopping) in Montreal
Saturday Afternoon »
  • Johanna

    Johanna on June 9, 2012, 1:27 p.m.

    You are such an inspiration. We, too, are creating a different life, but completely different from yours. We don't know the next step, but we hope it involves living in another country for a few years...we'll see. :) Off to check out the links!


  • Kika

    Kika on June 9, 2012, 7:52 p.m.

    I'm really enjoying "The Gifts of Imperfection", especially the part about Brene and her husband comparing their list of "what makes us happy" with their list of "future dreams" and realizing how the second was incompatible with the first so they dropped it and made life-adjustments in order to live their dream today as opposed to someday.


  • Kika

    Kika on June 9, 2012, 8:05 p.m.

    Sometimes it seems like people living rather unconventional lives pass judgement on those of us currently choosing home ownership, "stable" jobs, etc. I hate this, of course, b/c no one else gets to determine what is right for anyone else. Enjoying meaningful work, for instance, is going to look entirely different one family to the next. My closest friend and her husband gave up their two career aspirations and traded it for him to become a pastor and to be involved in building community - this is no less meaningful than selling everything and traveling the world. My husband chose not to work with his two economic degrees and instead became a teacher and coach which is meaningful work to him. We make choices to not become forever dependant on this income, mind you. But while we are here, living in our home, in this small town, we are living purposeful & meaningful lives. I love regularly challenging ourselves to consider what WE WANT and the ways in which we've bought into "the system", etc., but dislike the idea that unless we are entirely radical in all our decision making that we are "one of them" (the mindless sheep).


    • renee

      renee on June 9, 2012, 8:19 p.m.

      You're entirely right. Which is why I ask "are you living the life you want to live?" Living an examined life is just that - examined. Regardless of the job you do, the amount in your bank acounts etc.  The question is - are you doing what you feel called to do and living life on your terms, not someone else's. You could live a very "conventional" life and still say yes to those questions. Living with purpose and meaning can happen in many, many contexts. There is no right way.


  • Joan

    Joan on June 9, 2012, 8:34 p.m.

    Thanks for share this video, great inspiration, that's what we want, live our dreams, keep out of the traditional life, be ourselves!!!


  • Diane

    Diane on June 10, 2012, 2:07 a.m.

    I would love to see this documentary. We too are taking on a different journey than alot of people. Ten years ago we moved out of the rat race to a more rural setting and each year our dream is coming more and more alive. Chickens, gardening, homeschooling, living more simple, starting our own business, working less and living life more fully. Blessings Diane


  • Mama

    Mama on June 10, 2012, 4:09 p.m.

    Love the trailer! The movie should be great! I really hope that once we cash-build our house we can manage to work from home on our farm. Having Papa at home is really what we want. I picture ourselves with a completely off-grid farm someday! Baby steps, right?


  • Karolynah

    Karolynah on June 11, 2012, 1:31 p.m.

    I've been following Adam Baker for a while and when I saw the trailer for his movie, I got goosebumps. It is a movement, people are more in tune with their heart desires. I have coworkers coming up with new business ideas, friends quitting their "stable, well-paying" jobs, to go to culinary school and study pottery. My husband and I are currently also trying to draft a plan for our lives that involves, creativity, living with intention and mostly freedom. You are such an inspiration and I talk all the time to my friends and my husband about what you and your family are doing. There's nothing wrong with following the traditional path, as long as it is what makes you come alive. Already contributed to the movie and can't wait to see it in July!!!


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