Family, Nature and Poetry

My parents left this morning after a 3 day visit at our house. They came mostly so that my dad could help us install new vinyl replacement windows in our living room and learning room (used to be a formal dining room). The possibility now exists that I won't totally freeze all winter. Well maybe a little because our kitchen is poorly insulated and I spend half my life there but when I sit down with the kids or work at my desk I just might stay warm. Thanks Dad!

My parents are work hard, play hard kind of folks. So although the main purpose of the weekend was window installation we squeezed in a lot of activity. Mom helped me finish the fall garden chores and would of sewed new curtains if I'd let her. In addition to the Halloween festivities and eating too much sugar we drank coffee (never too much) at local cafes, took a trip to a glass art gallery and hiked yesterday at the Bates - Morse Mountain Conservation Area and Seawall Beachin Midcoast Maine - gosh, that's a mouthful!

Seawall Beach with PapaSeawall Beach with Papa</span>

The hike through the woods and time on the beach were fantastic. The natural world restores me. And it's always such a privilege when you share this with the people you love most.

Yesterday, the very air I breathed seemed to clean out my funk and set me upright again.

Leaves in Lobster Trap

But then Monday morning came - hard. The house is messy from the weekend work and fun (who has time to clean with so much going on). The kids are missing their grandparents and detoxing from a weekend sugar-high. Ouch!

What's a mama to do? Read Poetry!

I am so grateful I picked up these books last week from the library. The time we spent cuddled on the couch this morning with rhyme, rhythm and verse calmed my frazzled Monday morning nerves.

With Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems we recalled our time spent camping this summer, hiking mountains, zipped up snug in our sleeping bags. We were lulled by A Child's Calendar to relive the months, each in their splendor.

And we sat content right here at the edge of November together on the couch.

New England AsterNew England Aster</span>

« Late Saturday Night thoughts
On the edge »
  • Karen

    Karen on Nov. 5, 2008, 1:46 p.m.

    We loved the weekend with you too. I am also coming down from a high of having someone else plan yummy meals (we ate our veggies too this weekend) and the music of happy (albeit sometimes wired) children. We'll all get our equilibrium soon enough: can't wait until 'next time'.


  • shelli

    shelli on Nov. 5, 2008, 3:34 p.m.

    Gee, can I come live with you? Your life is so full of beautiful things. And how nice to have parents who in-laws are like that.

    And thank you so much for the beautiful comment you left on my photo blog!! It made my day!


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