Finding Beauty in Spring Trail Running & Getting Dirty (and sometimes in cleaning the bathroom)

This last week has been non-stop sunshine. It was the kind of weather - blue sky days and warming temperatures - that makes you think all is well with the world. Getting out each day to exercise was not a challenge, coming back indoors was.

But the week before last was overcast and grey and I was less-than-inspired to lace up the shoes and go running. One morning in particular hinted strongly at tea and blankets, not running shoes and sweat.

I laced up my shoes anyway. (Yay me!) And part of what helped me get out the door was taking my camera with me. My little Sony camera, not my Nikon, which I simply can't imagine running with strapped around my neck.

Once determined to share the beauty of my misty morning run, my motivation improved significantly.

I can't help it. I love noticing, capturing, and sharing beauty. When faced with a task I don't relish, looking for the beauty and taking a photo of it brings pleasure. Which is why I sometimes take a picture of a clean bathroom.

In the case of my morning run it wasn't long before I was high on beauty and feel-good exercise hormones. It was way more enjoyable than cleaning the bathroom, though I do love the "finished product" of a clean bathroom. Which lasts for all of 10 minutes till a dirty, barefoot kid comes through and makes a mess. (We have white tiles which show every toeprint.)

While I was on my trail run, I kept thinking, "oh, I can't wait to share this!" The river, the woods, the way it feels to run through wet, mucky trails and not care that your shoes are dirty. To run like you're a kid again.

This explains why the kids feet are always so dirty. It feels good!

Are you letting yourself get dirty these days?

Also, if you're less than inspired to get outside for exercise, take your art with you, (in my case a camera) and see what happens. Looking for and sharing beauty might be a good motivator for you also.

(All these photos are shown in sequence from my misty morning run. Starting in my back yard and down through the river valley. To get visual of my loop see this post.)

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Where They Want To Be (or, you don't need a school-room to homeschool) »
  • Jacinda

    Jacinda on May 5, 2013, 8:48 p.m.

    I recently got back into barefoot running and are right now struggling on the motivation (especially after stubbing my toe badly :( Next time I'l take the camera ;)


  • kyndale

    kyndale on May 5, 2013, 10:09 p.m.

    You live in a stunningly beautiful place!  I love being near water and having that to explore.  It looks a bit big and scary though.  I need to get out and run or exercise but I've been feeling so, so tired.  I think a little more exercise would help with my mood.  


  • Kika

    Kika on May 5, 2013, 11:49 p.m.

    I almost never take photos - really don't enjoy it- but I can see how the act of choosing to notice the beauty around us (and snapping a photo if desired) is so healthy. I am growing in this. As I sat reading in the park yesterday I noticed my daughter fascinated with something and followed the direction of her gaze; she was thrilled with this huge bird soaring above the pines in the incredibly blue sky. We went for a little walk and she drew my attention to the moss growing in the grove of trees - and that it was an unusual type of moss - and she noticed so many spiders that I never would have seen on my own. It helps to have a little person in one's life to learn to slow down and notice...but this is also something I am trying to cultivate on my own.


    • renee

      renee on May 6, 2013, 11:53 a.m.

      Having kids has really helped me stop and notice. Even so, I still feel I go to fast through life (smile).


  • Jenny

    Jenny on May 6, 2013, 3:58 a.m.

    Thank you for sharing your corner of the world. It's so amazing the change of perspective the lens of a camera can bring!


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