Friday's Flowers ~ Celebrating Celine

This second ever edition of Friday's Flowers is dedicated to Celine.

We are leaving to go backpacking today so I didn't pick any fresh flowers this week to molder on the kitchen table while we are gone. The bouquet photos in this post are from last weekend's celebration of Celine's eleventh birthday.

Celine is a flower girl through and through. And I don't mean the wedding attendant kind, though she did that once also. Celine is a gardener and lover of all things growing and beautiful, just like her mama. She can identify more plants than most adults I know and takes great pride her own little garden.

Her chosen birthday activity was to visit a nearby non-profit public garden earlier this month with a friend. We toured the gardens (in the rain), drank tea, ate treats, bought plants, talked blooms and otherwise ohhed and ahhed at the early May beauty.

Then last Saturday we celebrated her actual birth-day. A day of flowers and food. Birthdays are special days in our home and the birthday child has the privilege of choosing the menu. Whipped cream usually features prominantly on birthday menus.

Celine's day started with our traditional gluten-free (for Daddy's sake) belgium breakfast waffles topped with, you guessed it, whipped cream. And on it went. A day in the kitchen for me and feasting for the family.

This year I baked the best birthday cake I've ever made. Very non-vegan, very "glutenous", very birthday. Perfect as far as Celine was concerned which is all that mattered. An orange chiffon cake topped with fresh voilas and from our yard.

Although gifts are not the focus of our birthday celebrations Celine's were very fitting for the flower and garden girl that she is. A made in Maine (she is proud of that fact) wooden trellis for her garden from her parents and a hand spade from her brother and sister. Nana and Papa sent a new etsy outfit for her American Girl doll (last year's all-in-one gift) and earring making supplies. And this week her other gift from us, Make Your Own Old Fashioned Cloth Doll and her Wardrobe, finally arrived.

Celine is all set to plant, grow and create. Gifts to encourage her green thumb and her doll making passion. A day to celebrate her interests and honor who she is. And I'll be the first to tell you, she's the best.

I love you Celine.


Thanks for reading a mother's journaling in honor of her beautiful (better than any flower growing in my garden) daughter.

If you are participating in Friday's Flowers linky list please consider the following:

  • Your post should have a photo of a bouquet in it. I'm not going to be a rule task-master about this but the idea of Friday's Flowers is to bring them into our homes, or share them with others; to enjoy the bounty of summer's blossom both indoors and out.
  • Your post should link back to this particular post on FIMBY. You get that link by copying the URL address from this window. If you are new to html you can contact me for assistance.

If you're just visiting today and want to know what's going on please read this post. Use the linky feature below to share your bouquet blossoms.

Pick some flowers, arrange 'em pretty, take a photo, post it to your blog, visit Friday's Flowers to share it with us.

« Summer in the City
Home again, home again »
  • Francesca

    Francesca on May 28, 2010, 10:03 a.m.

    Happy birthday to your flower girl! The old fashion cloth doll and wardrobe book is now on my wish list, I'm still 11 years old in some respects:). Happy backpacking Renee!


  • Debbie

    Debbie on May 28, 2010, 12:38 p.m.

    What a beautiful tribute to your daughter, Renee. That last sentence, "She is the best," made my eyes well up. Very heartfelt. I'm guessing she feels the same about you. Happy Birthday Celine. Have a great backpacking trip.


  • Naomi Kilbreth

    Naomi Kilbreth on May 28, 2010, 8:15 p.m.

    I picked out some pretty wildflowers to post on my blog and got distracted after I left them on the porch. Oops! I remembered them this morning but of course they had already wilted. Here's to next week!


  • nicola@which name?

    nicola@which name? on May 29, 2010, 1:39 a.m.

    What a beautiful girl Celine is and is becoming and what a real person through and through you are raising. Take pride in her knowledge of plants. That is all you and Damien. Happy birthday, lovely girl, and have a wonderful weekend T family! Nicola


  • Cori

    Cori on May 29, 2010, 12:24 p.m.

    Beautiful. All of it beautiful. Children are similar to flowers, and like your flowers, your children are wonderful and constantly blooming too!


  • Melanie

    Melanie on May 29, 2010, 2:07 p.m.

    Happy Birthday Celine! You grow more beautiful (both inside and out) each year. How blessed I feel to know you. Someday I hope to come see some of your creations in person. I would love to see a picture of your flowerbed too.

    Love, Auntie Melanie, (Uncle Kelly and Jonas)


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