Learning to Ride a Bike (And Other Scary Life Situations) Self-Talk

We've been bike riding lately in this beautiful spring weather. The kiddos that is; I can't ride with them yet because Brienne still needs my steady hand while she's learning to ride a two-wheeler (plus, if I was riding who would take the photos?) She's almost got it but her starts and stops are kind of shaky... literally.

This is a huge milestone for her and once she's motoring there will be no holding her back.

But it's still a little scary for her, she's told me. To encourage herself while riding she told me she says the following to herself (as she started to tell me this I grabbed my notebook - always carry a notebook!).


"Ride smoothly."


"If you need to fall, brake before you do it."


"Fall and don't hurt yourself, that equals happiness."


"Soon I will be able to to ride on 2 wheels. Before summer."


"Keep calm."


I'd say her self-talk is good life advice in any uncertain situation.

Filed Under

« Sweet Stuff early spring
Thoughts on hiking, knitting and healthy feet »
  • nicola

    nicola on April 28, 2009, 10:30 p.m.

    she is beautiful! remind me how old she is? i love this post because just yesterday (after not enough sleep and too close to dinner time....for me!) i took my 4.5 yr old on a little bike ride (with training wheels) and she is still so frightened of hills. i didn't handle talking her through it well, so suggested we try again another day. what a learning experience for us both! nicola http://whichname.blogspot.com

    nicola's last blog post... one ripped bed sheet...


  • steadymom

    steadymom on April 29, 2009, noon

    What a thoughtful response from your daughter. So mature!

    I wanted to say thanks so much for linking to my Moody Mama post.


    steadymom's last blog post... Social Justice and Children


  • kirwin

    kirwin on April 29, 2009, 1:18 p.m.

    She is absolutely beautiful (and looks just like her mama, btw) Same eyes, right? And wow -- she is wise beyond her years. That's so great that you wrote it down. I think her words do relate to any (all?) situation in life.


  • Karen

    Karen on April 29, 2009, 3:42 p.m.

    This Nana couldn't be prouder - of this six-year who's applying something some people never get - and of her Mom and Dad who've helped direct her. Now I better understand how she keeps up (and sometimes ahead) hiking on the trails. Nothing's going to stop this girl - she inspires me.


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