Life unexpectedly

I like to plan, organize and take care of the details. I think in another life I might make a good event planner except that I don't like deadlines or dealing with incompetent people. I also don't deal well with change, good or bad. Oh, and I like to be in control. I have some issues.

So the unexpected happenings from the last couple weeks have thrown me a little off course and yesterday I was making my way into a new path for the rest of this month and into the next. Transition, something else I struggle with. In case you mistakenly think I have it all together I can resoundingly assure you I do not.

Things I had expected and planned for this month:

  • Camping the first and last weekends. The packing, arrangements and clean up that goes along with that.
  • Preparing for and teaching the soap making workshop this Thursday night. If you're local there is still time to register.
  • The arrival of a three week room-and-boarder staying with us while she studies at The Bates Dance Festival.
  • Weekly farmer's market, beach days, gardening and farm pick ups.
  • The usual once-a-month buying club order and the hours of work I spend on that.

This was enough to fill the days with some time to just stop and enjoy the season.

Things I hadn't expected or planned for this month:

  • Issues with our tenants of a fairly serious nature requiring mental energies and time. Emotionally drained and worried is how I feel, even though I know I shouldn't be.
  • The start of a Maine products local buying club of which I'm a founding member. This has been in the works for a long time and I'm super excited about it but is coming together at an inopportune time for me.
  • A whirlwind weekend visit with my brother and his family, arriving the same night as our boarder (me making up beds for 11 of us). The visit was wonderful but somewhat last minute which is not my strength.
  • Starting a room decorating project with Celine. Sounds fun and it is but the immediacy of it took me by surprise. She needs this project to engage her growing mind and interests but balancing her needs with the plans and other household obligations is tricky.
  • The usual buying club order (separate from the Maine group) being delayed one week and shifting around my calendar and plans for this week.

I don't live with my head stuck in the sand, I know life is lived in the unexpected moments and things unplanned for. But all of these planned and unplanned realities hit me on Sunday. I left it all behind and went hiking with my family, which was the best thing to do. Of course it all came back Monday with no mountain top to escape to. But I dealt with it the way I prefer to handle stress - working hard to take care of house and home with a smidgen of ice cream to end the day.

When I went to bed the fridge was once again restocked with veggies, the floor was washed (6 little wet & grassy feet in & out all weekend), the laundry was off the line, the bedding put away from the weekend and pretty handmade candles graced the kitchen table. The situations all remain as they were but with a tidy house and a little bit of beauty I seem better able to manage it all.


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  • Rana

    Rana on July 22, 2009, 3:16 a.m.

    It sounds like the hike did you good. It helps when you can clear your mind of the things that weigh us down for a while. You come back with a better perspective and ready to tackle what ever comes your way. Hope you have a good week Renee.

    Rana's last blog post... My aching head!


  • nicola

    nicola on July 22, 2009, 5:56 a.m.

    i understand i understand i understand. and i agree. i am so very similar with planning, organization, scheduling, and (oh i hate to admit this) control. and even though we can know realities and unexpected issues come along, it doesn't make them easier, especially when they are serious. you are more than allowed to share/whine/gripe/whatever it is that helps you to release it. (goodness i do it all the time!) and a hike and ice cream? smart girl. and your day? it is why i often call it MOANday. still sending happier vibes your way. nicola

    nicola's last blog post... the family weekend


  • kirwin

    kirwin on July 22, 2009, 1:13 p.m.

    I can totally relate to this!!! Although, when you write about it, it sounds logical and well thought-out. When I write about it (like last week and the last minute invitation fiasco!) I sound like a whiney child.

    Without a doubt, my controlling tendencies have grown since having children. It's in my best interests --as well as everyone else's-- to keep smooth sailing along the way. And that involves a bit of organization and control!

    I don't like it when my boat gets rocked.

    I hope everything has settled down by now -- it sounds like it has. {I'm dying to know what Celine's room project is!}


  • Kika

    Kika on July 22, 2009, 7:23 p.m.

    I don't think I'd have had the sense to go for a hike (or some other family "escape"). At least you are well-planned in general which does help us cope with unexpected guests/circumstances... imagine if you were always scattered and unorganized!


  • Jenn

    Jenn on July 24, 2009, 5:12 a.m.

    i've been reading the book "the simple living guide" because i saw it recommended by another friend and it's really making me even more aware (if that's possible) of how much i want to down-size, organize, de-clutter, give away, simplify...and i've been spending days doing just that. it feels good...but like you, it's a lot to handle when that is going on with tons of other (often stressful) things happening...

    i understand how you feel and i am sorry you've been having a hard time. glad you were able to enjoy the beauty you could find in the midst of those moments.


  • 5 orange potatoes

    5 orange potatoes on July 25, 2009, 1:12 a.m.

    Oh, sweet, sweet Renee. I know how you feel, we honestly don't have the busiest life outside of our home for a reason, but our daily schedule has a natural rhythm to it. When that natural rhythm is off just one beat it, sets us all off spiraling downward. I hope things are better and your rhythm is getting back in motion.

    Lisa :)


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