My other life

Here at FIMBY I spend most of my time blogging about my personal journey as a homeschooling mother, green(er) homemaker, amateur photographer, urban gardener and conscientious (I can barely pronounce that word never mind spell it) community member. My posts may seem random but together they tell the story of my life.

Mostly. One piece has been kind of absent these days. My partnership with my husband Damien in our strong desire to live a life of adventure with our family. Except for the recent post on winter hiking I haven't written much about this huge part of my life.

Why is that? I think it's because my day to day weekday life is very domestic. Mothering, homeschooling, scrubbing the toilet with environmentally friendly cleaner. You get the picture.

Come the weekend though when our time is shared my life hits a different gear. This is when we set aside one day to pack up and head to the hills together. But it's not just that one day. In the summer it also means monthly camping trips. And all year round it's planning throughout the week, preparing meals in advance, budgeting and purchasing proper gear and a bunch of other details that add up to a lot of time.

Sometimes I write about our weekend trips, more often I don't. Although I do publish photos from those excursions throughout other posts.

Well I intend to start writing more about it. Just not here. My husband started a blog awhile ago called ADVENTUREinPROGRESS and I have decided to join him over there as we chronicle our family's journey to a life of adventure. Truth be told he needs a little help in the "writing" department just as I need his help in the "get your butt off the desk chair and get out the door" department. We're made for each other.

We have dreams, big dreams for our family. Dreams that freak the living day lights out of me sometimes. Backpacking? For six months? On the other side of the continent??

I have no idea how we're going to reach some of those goals. Damien's the visionary in our family. I'm a work-the-details out sort of gal. All we know is that if we aim for nothing we'll certainly succeed. So why not aim big, dream big, plan big and live an adventure together. Right now. Not when our kids are grown and we're retired. Right. Now.

I'll remind you again I don't know how this is going to play out but I'm along for the ride, clicking my camera as I go. If you care to follow this path I'll be posting regularly (not near as often as here) over at ADVENTUREinPROGRESS. I won't be cross posting (short speak for posting the same blog post on 2 different blogs) but I'm sure if our lives take some sudden turn, like packing off to South America I'll be blogging about it. That would be some fun in my backyard!

« Mukluk love
Santa's workshop »
  • Jamie

    Jamie on Dec. 19, 2008, 6:44 p.m.

    What a great colaboration! I'll be checking it out. And if you do go backpacking in South America for 6 months....I wanna here ALL about it.


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