The long way home

Presently, the family arrived home, safe but tired, after a long journey from a distant land. During their time in that land there was much eating, drinking and merry making. Many laughs and much fun was to be had.

As their time in the distant land drew to a close they found themselves in snow and storm but no peril did come their way. In its stead they experienced cozy hearths and warm hospitality, the likes of which they had rarely encountered.

Please excuse the literary speak, I've just been listening to at least 8 hours of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings while we've driven home, can ya' tell?

Ah, home. Home, home, home. I love the very sound of it. We stayed in three family homes during our holiday and although everyone treated us so well and cooked us such fabulous food (you never knew vegan could be so delicious!) I'm so grateful to be sleeping in my own bed again, in my own space.

my niece and brother

my Mom and Me

I haven't blogged much while I've been gone but I have taken time (in between all the eating & merry making) to read, think and journal my plans and dreams for this new year or at very least the winter months (I like to take life season by season). This has been good but I miss blogging and look forward to getting back into the routine of regular posting. You also may have noticed that things look different in this space. The blog is still undergoing re-construction as I tweak the changes my husband made to the software and figure out how to make use of all the new options.

But for now all those plans will wait because I'm just plain old tired and really looking forward sleep.

« Happy New Year
Resolutions for a life (hopefully) well lived »
  • Cindy and Rodney

    Cindy and Rodney on Jan. 4, 2009, 2:34 p.m.

    And I look forward to your regular blogs, Renee. They are so refreshing and encouraging! Blessings to you and a Happy New Year!


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