Trash Report

No worries, I won't make this into a weekly feature, like the garden reports. My sis-in-law recently issued a garbage challenge over at her blog InsideOut. Specifically to record how much trash your family generates in one week. I'm all for participating in some good ol' fashioned eco-friendly competition.

So, this is the picture of how much trash our family of 5 generated this past week, about 12 ounces worth. Mostly craft scraps, some tissues (I know I should compost those), misc. non-reusable packaging materials (I hate those), some broken glass and styrofoam packaging from my elicit supper.

One Week's Trash: in reused bulk bean packaging
One Week's Trash: in reused bulk bean packaging

All our other waste from the past week was either composted (a lot was composted, just think next year we'll eat our trash!), recycled (cardboard, paper, a few cans, glass jars, certain plastic containers), or given away. You know the saying "one man's trash, another man's treasure".

I'd be ashamed to post a picture after we've done some renovations in the house. That generates a lot of waste that I feel terrible dumping. If it's reusable we donate to the ReStore but if it's simply trash I'm not sure what other options we have.

Well there you have it. The trash report. We'll now return the regular garden, kiddos and outdoor fun programming.

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« Sunday afternoon Lavender
Happy Canada Day »
  • dawna

    dawna on July 8, 2008, 12:53 a.m.

    Wow! Renee!! I'm impressed!! You have bigger kids and I think you've definitely got some things to teach me. I just posted a blog about not having a picture to send this time around. Does your garbage get picked up weekly? For a family of 5, I think your garbage should be on a poster somewhere!

    Thanks for posting!


    • renee

      renee on July 8, 2008, 3:09 a.m.

      Weekly pick up. This week's garbage has a few larger non-recyclable plastic containers, I hate those.

      Thanks, but I still feel we have improvements to make. We've tried to eliminate plastic bags from our house but somehow they keep sneaking in, like when I forget to re-use the plastic produce bags so I end up with more. But, the farm always likes those for bagging peas, beans, loose greens etc... So nothing goes to waste but I would like to eliminate the plastic all together somehow.


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