Gone camping

I'm supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen right now, for the umpteenth time today, before we finally pack up the remaining food and head for the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

Getting ready to go camping is anything but bliss and I've written before how I think that word is overused in general. I can't even say the actual camping is bliss (my kids would disagree). It's a lot of work to get ready, it's sometimes wet and almost always buggy (except in the fall).

But it is very, very worth it. Camping together is starting to define us as a family. We're an outdoors family and I like who we are in the woods, a team - working and learning together. Enjoying creation and closer to our Creator.

misty lighthouse: from our last camping trip
Swallowtail Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island, from our last camping trip

So I guess I better go finish cleaning up the kitchen. Don't want to come home to dirty dishes.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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  • shelli

    shelli on July 30, 2009, 8:31 p.m.

    You know I've never been officially camping. (My dad had a mobile home.) I've always wanted to, and now I'm married to someone who would rather rent a cabin.....though I don't mind about that either. Too bad we can't afford to!


  • Rodney and Cindy

    Rodney and Cindy on July 30, 2009, 9:08 p.m.

    I camped with my parents every weekend from the age of 2 until the age of 18............. My mother always would roll her eyes... She'd just get cleaned up from one weekend and then she'd have to pack for the next. But we did have some great times!! Good memories.


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