Red and white (with a smidge of pink) and happy all over

I'm giddy with excitement at the prospect of Christmas with my kiddos and hubby, my parents and my brother's family. Even better, my Mom & Dad are hosting so all I have to worry about is getting us all packed up and there. That and putting together the last finishes on everyone's homemade gifts. Sure hoping those few gifts we did purchase for the kids will be delivered before we leave!

Speaking of homemade gifts my brother and sister-in-law made the heart ornament in the above photo for our family years ago. And this blue one, and a tree who picture hasn't made it to the blog. I love handmade gifts.

I may check in one more time before the big day. If not, Merry Christmas you all.

« Solstice~Peace
Recycled wrapping paper »

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