Prairie Girls

Celine prairie girl Brienne prairie girl Prairie Girls

We been learning about prairie and pioneer life over the past months. The girls like to dress up and pretend to be Laura and Mary Ingalls, we're reading the "Little House on the Prairie" series. The dress that Celine is wearing is her current favorite piece of clothing. This past summer she wanted only to wear a denim tank dress. This winter her choice is a navy blue dress. She wears it 4 days in a row and then I have to convince her to let me wash it the next day and as soon as its dried she's wearing it again for another 3-4 days. Good thing is that it saves me doing laundry. Brienne is the exact opposite. Changing clothes at least 3 times each day!

« Mid winter
Laurent's 5th Birthday »
  • melanie

    melanie on March 5, 2006, 4:25 p.m.

    The girls look so pretty all dressed up. I love the bonnets. I love stories like Little House on the Prairie. I might have to read it again some time. Or just as good...Anne of Green Gables. I am sure all us girls remember that and the shows, right?


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