Thoughts on hiking, knitting and healthy feet

~My feet after this weekend's hike.~

Sometimes hiking is mostly hard work and the best part is reaching the end, propping up your tired feet and knitting. As was the case with last weekend's hike but you can read more about that over at our family adventure blog.

Speaking of feet, I wanted to direct your attention to a series of posts my husband is writing on healthy feet and minimalist footwear. In the past he has struggled with sore feet, sore joints and back. I also had a "bum knee" that would bother me especially on the stairs or when hiking.

My wonderful husband, always the researcher and never one to simply accept conventional medical treatment, decided to investigate the matter. In doing so he stumbled upon minimalist footwear and discovered the damage we do to our feet and whole body by wearing most modern day footwear. And I'm not talking high heels but those super cushioned, arch supporting, motion stability expensive runners that are heavily marketed as being good for your feet.

But I'm not the one who's writing about this, he is. So I'll let you go check it out yourself.

I'll just say this, if you experience foot, knee or back pains I highly recommend you follow along. What he has researched and applied to our family's footwear has changed our health and mobility. Knee and chronic foot pain - gone. Back pain - gone (except on the days he's recovering from lifting 300 lbs during his morning workout - and yes I'm bragging about him!) All without expensive orthotics, drugs or doctor's appointments. We tried all those before this simple, natural approach to healthy feet.

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  • Andie

    Andie on May 3, 2009, 2:33 a.m.

    Lol you know I never know what to expect when I pop on over here for a little visit! Gloved feet, moon cups, porta potties...heehee.

    I heart you! :) a.


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